Diane Cobrite

Ever since I was little, I dreamt in epic fantasy. I love authors like Tolkien, David Eddings, Katherine Kurtz, Robert Jordan. I love fairy tales and Science Fiction like Ray Bradbury. I watched way more tv than anyone really should. I'm definitely a product of the 80's. I've kept a collection of my best dreams, I have over 30 that I hope to write. As a mother of 3, life is challenging but wonderful at the same time. My children are little dolls which I can dress up and mold with all my flaws. Love being a mother. My husband is a wonderful man that supports me and provides for me so that I might stay home. He's my prince charming that whisked me away. We always say we'll never end up with anyone like our father, but somehow I did just that. Oops! Dependable and loyal, loving and strong, he helps me keep my dreams alive. Please, journey with me through lands distant and near, as I show you the worlds inside my head.
Follow Me: @DianeCobrite on Twitter or diane.cobrite on Facebook o/
Brynn Cobrite

When I was 8 years old I got my first library card. I still use the exact same card today. I've never let them upgrade it and it's still alive and kicking. With that library card I'd consistently carry out as many books as I could and devour them. Thus began my life-long addiction to reading. I love horror, thriller, historical fiction, sci-fi and fantasy. But my true love is definitely Fantasy. The day I picked up my first "adult" fantasy book, Magic Kingdom For Sale: Sold, changed everything for me. Since then my life has been a life full of stories, both real and imagined. Our personal stories shape our writing in amazing ways and boy do I have some personal stories. My stories live not just on pages of books, but on a live theatre stage and in video games and interactive apps that I've had the opportunity to work on. 3D Environment Artist and Stage Manager by trade, I cherish my opportunities to create in written word as well. I have 3 kids (by which I mean cats) that drive me batty but still inspire plenty of "awwwww" moments. Please join me as I bring more art and stories to life!
Follow Me: @BrynnCobrite on Twitter or brynn.cobrite on Facebook